Knitting Brew

Knitting Brew: Typical Yarn Shopping

Typical yarn shopping

  1. See sparkly yarn, drool
  2. Hesitantly touch sparkly yarn, squeeeee
  3. Have sudden hysterics realizing yarn is VERY expensive, but would look great as a trendy hat
  4. Sudden panic attacks at all the yarn you already have
  5. Decide you MUST have it anyway and head toward the checkout counter
  6. Spy a new set of stitch markers you don’t have, add them to your over loaded arms
  7. Realize you do not have a pattern in mind and head over to the knitting books
  8. Pick out the perfect pattern, then realize you need more yarn
  9. Get more yarn
  10. Look at the pattern again and wonder if you have that size needle, length, material choice?
  11. Take 10 minutes stressing about whether to get the bamboo needles or the new shiny, and expensive, set you don’t have
  12. Get new shiny expensive set rationalizing you will get a lot of use out of them for the money
  13. Finally get to the checkout line and have to wait in line
  14. Spy a really cool button you know would look great on the sweater you started last year for your sister, which is still in the beginning stages, but you swear you will get to this year
  15. Add button to your overflowing stash of wonderfulness
  16. Plonk it all down and hand over your Visa etc. excitedly
  17. Walk out of the store, unwillingly, since you just spotted a new style of knitting bag you don’t have.
  18. Cry in the car realizing you have ANOTHER project already waiting at home, but this one is so new and fun.
  19. Rush home and start new project, pushing the latest new project into its new project knitting bag for LATER.